Just like its little sister, the Moov Inverter, the Moov TurboSilence heat pump incorporates Full-Inverter technology, allowing it to automatically vary its operating speed. The TurboSilence is the result of years of development and optimization to create a product of very high reliability for extended warranty. Optimization of its ventilation, internal components, and product control allows it to increase its performance coefficient and thus its efficiency.
At the top of its game!
Reduce seasonal electricity costs by 30% to 50%! Calculate your savings with our calculator.
The Coefficient of Performance compares the efficiency of a product to other BTU equivalents. The COP of the Moov TurboSilence is on average 12 instead of 4 or 5.
As low as 41dB at 3m. You will not find an equivalence in its category!
Reduced initial electrical demand which prevents problems with the circuit breaker. Smaller circuit breakers. Extended durability.
Tomorrow’s equipment is no longer just products that can be intelligently connected, but rather products that must be. The Moov TurboSilence is no exception to this rule and integrates Wi-Fi connectivity for continuous remote control. Control usage settings via its free app, receive alerts about any issues encountered, or let the controller record data to facilitate any service interventions!
Attention to detail is key…